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church 1600 Struggles over reform led to the formation of a series of 'Tuesday Lectures' to further 'true religion and conformity.'

More Detail The Aldermen and Burgesses supported the lectures and attended in state. After the lecture they had a dinner and provided a pint of sack for the Lecturer.

1575 Vicar and a Curate summoned to Lincoln by the Bishop and barred from preaching following clashes between the reformers and opponents.
1580 -1586 Humphrey Travers - Vicar of North Grantham
1581 -1586 Humphrey Travers, clerk, MA - Vicar of South Grantham
1586 -1600 Robert Bryan, STP - Vicar of South Grantham
1586 -1596 Robert Bryan, STP - Vicar of North Grantham
1597 -1608 Stephen Lodington - Vicar of North Grantham
1598 Trigge (chained) library founded - still exists. More info
1600 -1624 Struggles over reform led to the formation of a series of 'Tuesday Lectures' to further 'true religion and conformity.' More info
1601 -1607 Nicholas Walker, Clk., S.T.P. Vicar of South Grantham
1604 Death of Francis Trigge, who donated books for the chained library in the Church
1607 -1626 Thomas Dean, Clk. Vicar of South Grantham
1608 -1646 Thomas Dilworth, Vicar of North Grantham
1620 -1630 St Wulfram�s was in a dilapidated state and concern for its upkeep was low More info


1597 Water conduit built in Market Place, replacing existing building. Wool staple mark is on the building
1604 There was an epidemic that resulted in 327 deaths in Grantham


1577 Sir Francis Drake sailed round the world
1584 4 Potatoes introduced into Europe.
1588 Tensions with Catholic Spain, culminating in Spanish Armada
1600 -1616 William Shakespeare wrote many plays and sonnets
1600 -1640 There was a growth in Puritanism
1603 -1625 Union of England and Scotland by accession of James VI of Scotland to the English throne as James I . House of Stuart.
1603 Elizabeth I died. She was the last Tudor monarch.
1604 -1611 James I commissioned a translation of the Bible in everyday English, which was published in 1611. We know it is as the King James Authorised Version. More info
1605 Gunpowder Plot by Catholic rebels, including Guy Fawkes, to blow up parliament
1619 African slaves first imported into North America
1620 The Pilgrim Fathers sailed to America in the Mayflower
1622 -1641 The first continuously published weekly newspaper in England, The Weekly News
1625 -1649 King Charles I


James I Crowned 1603 Died 1625 1605 Gunpowder Plot Stuart
Charles I Crowned 1625 Died 1649 1642-1645 English Civil War Stuart