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church 1752 The bells were re-cast and re-hung on a raised frame.

More Detail The ringers were able to use the ringing chamber.

1752 The bells were re-cast and re-hung on a raised frame. More info
1781 Society of Change Ringers of St Wulfram's Formed
1786 -1792 George Barrington, M.A., Vicar
1792 -1817 Thomas Easton, M.A., Vicar
1795 The pulpit was moved to the middle of the church
1797 The first lightning conductor was fitted to the spire after lightning struck and shattered it


1770 -1776 Methodism starts in Grantham
1780 George Hotel built in High Street More info
1788 The town's first fire engine
1789 The Rectory was built by local builder John Langwith
1790 Grantham-Nottingham canal developed


1752 Franklin makes discoveries in electricity
1758 Threshing machine invented
1760 -1780 Start of the Industrial Revolution
1760 -1820 King George III
1764 Jesuits expelled from France
1767 -1769 Spinning jenny invented by Hargreaves; spinning frame by Arkwright paved way for Industrial Revolution
1775 -1783 American War of Independence
1775 Watt invents the steam engine
1780 Sunday Schools established in England
1787 First convicts transported to Australia
1789 -1793 French Revolution
1796 -1808 Napoleon Bonaparte has many victories in Europe


George III Crowned 1760 Died 1820 1775-1783 American War of Independence Hanover