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church 1350 Lady Chapel built over two vaulted crypts whose access was from the churchyard. In the crypt, the medieval stone altar and footplace are still in position.

More Detail Carved heads most probably of Henry III and Queen Phillippa

1350 The Guild of Corpus Christi chapel was used by the town’s administration for municipal elections and specifically to elect the new Alderman or mayor. More info
1350 Small altars and chapels all round the church were used by the chantries and guild.
1350 Stone rood screen built from North to south across the church interior. On top were a crucifix, an altar and figures of Mary and John , all donated by a rich wool merchant named Roger of Woolsthorpe. A stone staircase still remains.
1350 Lady Chapel built over two vaulted crypts whose access was from the churchyard. In the crypt, the medieval stone altar and footplace are still in position. More info
1352 -1377 John of Kelby - Vicar of South Grantham
1362 tomb of Richard de Salteby who controlled customs from Boston to Grimsby
1376 -1383 John Wright of Yerdeburg - Vicar of North Grantham
1377 -1382 Richard of Fryston - Vicar of South Grantham
1382 -1397 Richard of Fryston - Vicar of South Grantham
1382 -1382 William of Sibthorpe - Vicar of South Grantham
1383 -1384 Will of Catteworth - Vicar of North Grantham
1384 -1407 Hugh of Dorlee - Vicar of North Grantham
1397 -1414 William of Billynburg, chaplain - Vicar of South Grantham


1350 Present gateway of the Angel built showing heads of Edward III and Queen Philippa on the hood-mould.
1359 King John of France, captured at Poitiers, slept at Grantham on his way from Hereford to Somerton Castle (3 August )
1371 Robert Brown & Hugh Oky accused of overcharging for corn
1371 Robert de Rippingale, a carpenter fined for paying wages that were too high- 6d a day
1371 Thomas de Stafford selling Gascony wine at 14d a gallon - others sold at 12d
1390 Grantham House built in Castlegate; part of original building survives


1350 Wool trade in decline.
1362 English decreed official language of courts and parliament
1377 -1399 Richard II
1380 John Wycliffe translated Bible into English
1381 Poll Tax led to Peasants' Revolt led by Wat Tyler.
1387 Geoffrey Chaucer wrote Canterbury Tales. - stories of pilgrims' journeys to Canterbury Cathedral.
1399 -1413 Henry IV (Bolingbroke)


Richard II Crowned 1377 Died 1399 1381 Peasants' Revolt Plantagenet
Henry IV Crowned 1399 Died 1413 1399 Henry IV imprisoned Richard II Lancaster