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church 1598 Trigge (chained) library founded - still exists.

More Detail Francis Trigge, Rector of Welbourn donated library of books for the education of local clergy and people. It was and is still housed in the room above the South porch. 83 books still have their chains attached

1550 -1552 William Rede - Vicar of South Grantham
1550 Book of Common Prayer slow to be accepted
1552 -1554 Oliver Heywood - Vicar of North Grantham
1552 -1559 Thomas Fuller, chaplain - Vicar of South Grantham
1554 -1557 William Harberd or Garberd - Vicar of North Grantham
1557 -1563 Richard Smith, clerk - Vicar of North Grantham
1558 Lay visitors overseeing reforms visited Grantham. Clashes between the reformers and opponents More info
1559 -1560 John Only - Vicar of South Grantham
1560 -1563 Richard Smythe - Vicar of South Grantham
1560 The stone font, a gift of Richard Fox, may have been thrown out at this time and now shows evidence of having been badly weathered.
1563 -1580 Jaspar Turnbull
1563 -1574 Dom John Clarke - Vicar of North Grantham
1574 -1580 Francis Bannister - Vicar of North Grantham
1575 Vicar and a Curate summoned to Lincoln by the Bishop and barred from preaching following clashes between the reformers and opponents.
1580 -1586 Humphrey Travers - Vicar of North Grantham
1581 -1586 Humphrey Travers, clerk, MA - Vicar of South Grantham
1586 -1596 Robert Bryan, STP - Vicar of North Grantham
1586 -1600 Robert Bryan, STP - Vicar of South Grantham
1597 -1608 Stephen Lodington - Vicar of North Grantham
1598 Trigge (chained) library founded - still exists. More info


1553 Grammar School became King Edward VI school: headmaster's salary was £12 a year.
1560 Shop now "Catlins" built.
1574 Grantham House extended (date on chimney stack)
1597 Water conduit built in Market Place, replacing existing building. Wool staple mark is on the building


1550 Conrad Gesner began Historia Animalium, the basis of natural history - a volume is in the Trigge Library
1550 English, not Latin, to be used in church services
1553 -1603 Age of stability in Britain
1553 -1558 Leading protestant Bishops burned at the stake
1553 -1558 Mary I - a Catholic, re-imposed Catholicism
1555 mass execution of hundreds of Protestants – Smithfield Martyrs
1558 -1603 Elizabeth I - continued Protestant reforms in moderation
1564 -1616 William Shakespeare
1577 Sir Francis Drake sailed round the world
1584 4 Potatoes introduced into Europe.
1588 Tensions with Catholic Spain, culminating in Spanish Armada
1600 -1616 William Shakespeare wrote many plays and sonnets
1600 -1640 There was a growth in Puritanism


Mary I Crowned 1553 Died 1558 1554 Mary I married Philip of Spain Tudor
Elizabeth I Crowned 1558 Died 1603 1588 Spanish Armada Tudor