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1707 A fire resulted in the loss of 17 houses

More Detail The Marquis of Granby gave £50 towards the loss by fire. Edward Payne Esq gave £10, The Lady Dame Alice Brownlow gave £10 and Sir William Ellys gave £70

1700 -1800 The Church was divided into East and West sections by glazed and panelled partitions More info
1701 -1714 Samuel Burnet, B.A., junior, Vicar of North Grantham
1706 Solomon Bequest More info
1709 Bishop of Lincoln confirmed 1,200 at one service
1710 -1736 John Harrison, Vicar of South Grantham
1714 The Vicarages were united 22 July 1714, John Harrison became the sole incumbent


1685 The Royal Charter names Robert Cracroft as the town's first mayor
1707 A fire resulted in the loss of 17 houses More info
1719 Grantham described as "a considerable market town"


1685 -1688 King James II
1688 -1694 James II flees the country. King William III (William of Orange) and Mary II
1689 The Bill of Rights reduced royal power, ruled out Catholic monarchs and decreed that taxes and laws had to have parliamentary consent
1689 Toleration Act allowed freedom of choice in worship
1694 The Bank of England was founded
1694 -1702 Mary II died; William III ruled alone
1701 Act of Settlement provides for Protestant Succession of the House of Hanover
1702 The first newspaper - The Daily Courant
1702 -1714 Anne became Queen
1704 -1800 England starts to acquire colonies as a result of wars and exploration More info
1707 Act of Union united England and Scotland
1714 -1725 King George I: House of Hanover
1715 Unsuccessful Jacobite Rising under the 'Old Pretender' James Stuart
1721 -1742 Sir Robert Walpole, first Prime Minister
1725 -1760 King George II


James II Crowned 1685 Died 1688 1685 Battle of Sedgemoor Stuart
William III and Mary II Crowned 1688 Died 1702 1690 Battle of the Boyne Stuart
Anne Crowned 1702 Died 1714 1707 Act of Union to create Great Britain Stuart
George I Crowned 1714 Died 1727 1720 South Sea Bubble Hanover