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1740 Grantham Gingerbread first made

More Detail A local baker added the wrong ingredient to the popular Grantham Whetstone biscuit, a hard biscuit for coach travellers who stopped at the town on their journeys on the Great North Road. The result of the mistake was the even more popular Grantham Gingerbread, a hard, pale, domed biscuit.

1736 -1786 Richard Easton, Vicar
1736 The screen, with a 3 manual organ ,was erected More info
1736 Sarah Ellys paid for galleries to be built along the north wall "for batchelors to sit in."
1752 The bells were re-cast and re-hung on a raised frame. More info


1727 Sir Isaac Newton died More info
1740 Grantham Gingerbread first made More info
1770 -1776 Methodism starts in Grantham


1725 -1760 King George II
1736 Abolition of crime of witchcraft
1738 Charles Wesley founded the Methodists More info
1745 Failure of last Jacobite Rebellion under 'Bonny Prince Charlie'
1752 Franklin makes discoveries in electricity
1758 Threshing machine invented
1760 -1780 Start of the Industrial Revolution
1760 -1820 King George III
1764 Jesuits expelled from France
1767 -1769 Spinning jenny invented by Hargreaves; spinning frame by Arkwright paved way for Industrial Revolution
1775 -1783 American War of Independence
1775 Watt invents the steam engine


George II Crowned 1727 Died 1760 1745 Bonny Prince Charlie invades England Hanover
George III Crowned 1760 Died 1820 1775-1783 American War of Independence Hanover