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1998 Meres Leisure Centre, Trent Rd opened

More Detail The Leisure Centre in Union St was demolished and the site developed by Asda supermaket.

1977 -1985 Rex Alan Howe M.A., Rector
1979 Griffin Memorial Window
1982 -1983 The statue of St Wulfram on the south-west pinnacle was removed and renovated during major work on the tower
1986 -1996 Robert Paul Reiss M.A., Rector
1990 A coffee shop was opened in the North Porch
1993 The Harrowby Vault was discovered beneath the North Porch
1993 Organ entirely rebuilt by Wood of Huddersfield and a fourth manual fitted
1996 Christopher Paul Andrews M.A., Rector
2000 Porch at West End to celebrate the Millennium, designed by Matthew Thomas.
2004 Two new training bells cast by Taylors of Loughborough
2006 Royal Arms commissioned by The Friends to celebrate the 80th Birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth II
2007 -2008 Conservation of books and original documents by Volunteers from the Grantham and District Decorative and Fine Arts Society (GADDFAS)
2007 Dedication of the first phase of the Visitor Centre by John Saxbee, Bishop of Lincoln
2008 The cross on the North Porch arch was dislodged by an earthquake


1975 Church of the Epiphany, Earlesfield
1982 -1984 Demolition of houses and commercial properties to make way for Morrisons' Isaac Newton Shopping Centre More info
1982 Grantham Leisure Centre opened in Union St
1983 The Paragon Cinema opened, bringing cinema back to Grantham More info
1986 Grantham became a smokeless town
1992 Welby St became Grantham's first pedestrianised street
1998 Meres Leisure Centre, Trent Rd opened More info
2007 Population exceeded 40,000
2008 The United Reformed Church and Central Methodist Church form a Local Ecumenical Partnership, known as ChristChurch


1979 -1990 Grantham-born Margaret Thatcher is the first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain
1981 AIDS is first identified
1982 Falklands War between Great Britain and Argentina
1988 Benazir Bhutto, the first Islamic woman prime minister (Pakistan)
1988 Pan-Am 747 explodes and crashes at Lockerbie due to a terrorist bomb
1989 Students take over Tiananmen Square Beijing, in a rally for democracy, many killed
1989 Berlin Wall taken down, East Germany opened to the West
1990 -1991 South Africa frees Nelson Mandela and the next year repeals apartheid laws
1990 World Wide Web starts
1991 Break up of Soviet Union
1992 Yugoslav Federation broken up; Czechoslovakia agrees to split into two nations
1994 Ordination of first women priests in the Church of England
1994 IRA ceasefire in Northern Ireland
1997 Death of Princess Diana in a car crash in Paris
1997 Death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta
2001 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington
2003 US & UK War against Iraq
2004 Tsunami in Asia, at least 225,000 killed
2008 Barack Obama became the first African American to be elected President
2008 Global financial crisis


Elizabeth II Crowned 1953 Reigning 1973 Britain joins the Common Market (now the EU) Windsor