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1649 Life during the time of Oliver Cromwell was very different to that under a monarchy.

More Detail Cromwell attempted to lead people to a more righteous way of life. He abolished festivals such as Christmas and May Day and forbade swearing and drinking, Attendance at church was compulsory for everyone. This strict attitude was not generally welcomed.

1600 -1624 Struggles over reform led to the formation of a series of 'Tuesday Lectures' to further 'true religion and conformity.' More info
1601 -1607 Nicholas Walker, Clk., S.T.P. Vicar of South Grantham
1604 Death of Francis Trigge, who donated books for the chained library in the Church
1607 -1626 Thomas Dean, Clk. Vicar of South Grantham
1608 -1646 Thomas Dilworth, Vicar of North Grantham
1620 -1630 St Wulfram’s was in a dilapidated state and concern for its upkeep was low More info
1626 -1633 Peter Tyler, Tyley or Titley, Vicar of South Grantham
1627 In 1627 the notorious Altar controversy took place, which led to a fight in the church More info
1633 -1634 Roland Greenwood, Vicar of South Grantham
1633 The Vicar of North Grantham, Thomas Dilworth, pawned his books to the Vicar of Dowsby, allegedly to buy food More info
1634 -1639 Edward Harryes, Vicar of South Grantham
1639 -1669 Edward Dixe, Vicar of South Grantham
1640 The bells were rehung in the tower.
1640 The Chancellor of Lincoln donated an organ to the church More info
1640 Hurst, Rector of Barrowby and Sanderson, Vicar of Boothby Pagnell and later Bishop of Lincoln combined to bring about Archbishop Laud’s reforms of the church in Grantham.
1642 -1645 The church suffered under Cromwell's troops More info
1644 Funeral parties were not immune from fighting More info
1646 -1653 Thoms Redman, Vicar of North Grantham
1646 Popular street culture on Shrove Tuesday led to vandalism of the church More info


1604 There was an epidemic that resulted in 327 deaths in Grantham
1634 Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I, leased the manor's market rights to the Alderman and Corporation
1634 Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I, leased the manor's market rights to the Aldermen and Corporation More info
1634 A plague killed 327 people in Grantham
1637 Bubonic plague killed 200 people in Grantham
1642 King Charles I stayed at the Angel Inn
1642 -1645 Parliamentary troops were quartered in Grantham until the end of the Civil War More info
1642 -1642 Isaac Newton was born at Woolsthorpe near Colsterworth
1643 Oliver Cromwell won the first battle of the Civil War at Gonerby Moor
1644 -1645 Cromwell's army demolished the Eleanor Cross on St Peter's Hill More info
1650 -1660 The Civil War had left the church without its treasures and destroyed most of its beauty.


1600 -1616 William Shakespeare wrote many plays and sonnets
1600 -1640 There was a growth in Puritanism
1603 -1625 Union of England and Scotland by accession of James VI of Scotland to the English throne as James I . House of Stuart.
1603 Elizabeth I died. She was the last Tudor monarch.
1604 -1611 James I commissioned a translation of the Bible in everyday English, which was published in 1611. We know it is as the King James Authorised Version. More info
1605 Gunpowder Plot by Catholic rebels, including Guy Fawkes, to blow up parliament
1619 African slaves first imported into North America
1620 The Pilgrim Fathers sailed to America in the Mayflower
1622 -1641 The first continuously published weekly newspaper in England, The Weekly News
1625 -1649 King Charles I
1642 -1649 Civil War in England between the King and Parliament. More info
1649 -1660 Life during the time of Oliver Cromwell was very different to that under a monarchy. More info
1649 Charles I beheaded. England was declared a republic, a Commonwealth led by Oliver Cromwell and his army More info
1650 Tea first imported into England


James I Crowned 1603 Died 1625 1605 Gunpowder Plot Stuart
Charles I Crowned 1625 Died 1649 1642-1645 English Civil War Stuart
The Commonwealth Crowned 1649 Died 1660 1653 Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector Commonwealth